So, here are some fresh updates about me, and my lil' family:
November is a birthday month for our little family, me (3rd), Jason(8th), Hubby(30th).
This year was my last twenties birthday...ha! I feel so blessed could spend this birthday with my boys. And saw my hubby's was treating me special on my birthday, made me want to celebrate my birthday everyday...^_^
My baby has turned one. He is no longer baby, but a toddler.
A little bit sad but happy at the same time.
I am happy that he grow up so well.
And a little bit sad that he is no longer a baby that depend on me 100%...
We celebrated his first birthday two weeks ago, and on the next day he got stomach bug (stomach flu?). After him, me and my husband also got this virus.
So last week has been a very hard for us, especially for me...
And about me, I just quit from my job last month.
The problem was not from me, but the company and the master.
I feel totally disappointed and feel betrayed.
I already did my best, but I got da*n as reward
As an impact, honestly now I lost confidence to move on for the next step.
Hmm, what should i said? Those mellow, sad, grey moment come again to visit me now...
So here I am now... looking for another job.
Besides job hunting, on my daily basis I do house chores, little crafty things, pick up my baby, playing and take care of him....
Sometimes I want to break from this boredom activity... but do not know when and how...
Lately, I get addicted with Instagram.
I found many person like me, new moms with their kids.
I like to read many stories from them, about their baby, or parenthood issues. Sometimes I feel so close and know them well, since they post update about their life everyday...
Though, in fact they are totally strangers for me.
Beside met with new parents, I also found many users with their unique activities that captured in their pics in Instagram. So, I feel so amazed, that there are zillion thousands thing out there that I never knew before. It's so surprising that by looking at other people's daily pictures could boost up my mood even just little... Sometimes it encourages me, to try something creative, try new hobbies, or activities.
And for the next, I have many things that I want to try...just need some motivation and energy...
Will update later ( I promised my self to be more active with blogging, to train my dull brain, writing ability, and my English!!!)
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