
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Another news from me

When was the last time I go to Education Fair? Maybe at third year of high school. Yeeaahh, now almost same with the time I was very confusing to choose a university and the major. Sabtu kemaren kita pergi ke pameran universitas untuk master program. Gw paling ga suka masa-masa pendaftaran, masa-masa mencari universitas. Di situ bener-bener capek, soalnya gw harus bangun pagi, cuma makan cup noodles, tempatnya dari asrama sekitar 1 jam lebih. Sampe di sana untungnya semalem sebelumnya uda nyari info universitas mana yang bakal gw datengin. Beberapa universitas mensyaratkan kalau mau ambil MBA harus ada pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun. (jangan berhenti dulu jo kalo mau ambil MBA). Maunya universitas negeri soalnya murah, tapi susah. Swasta mahal. Repooooottt....belum lagi sistem di sini kalau mau masuk S2, kita harus udah bikin penelitian, nyari dosen pembimbing sendiri,dan berunding sama tuh dosen. Kalau ga ketemu cari sampai ketemu. Dan itu sebaiknya semuanya dalam bahasa Jepang. Belum lagi kalau kirim email ke dosennya harus pakai bahasa Jepang super halus. Bahasa Jepang dasar aja belum beres, sekarang udah belajar bahasa Jepang super halus. halaahh...

Maybe these moments(year) will be the hardest time for me to adapt, to learn, to survive in/about Japan. I am trying now, I am sure there will be always good things come in behind it. Emmm...Gambatte ne...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

June 16th 2007

The day before yesterday, in the middle of rain, i have to go to 100yen shop, looking for something that i have to buy. I don`t know, for me its so easy to spend a lot of money in this shop, you will easily want to buy so many things in this shop.Eventhough you know, that you dont really need it. When looking around, i found block soap. LUX. From Indonesia, for sale in Indonesia only, but it was selled in Japan. 100yen for 2 block soap. About 8000rupiah. Takaaaiii...
Then when going home, i entered a shop, they also selled make up. Something make me interested, they sell new brand eye liner, made in Japan, but the name of the branded made me surprised. `Cantik Manis` ...Gilaa...sampe heran gw!!! Untung bukan Bocah Ayu!
Today i met my sister and all her friends. They arranged party for celebrate my sister`s friend`s birthday. There was a man, he are Teacher from Sipil Unpar...huhuhuhuhu...KAget lagi...
The things that i want to say is, almost all my sister`s friends have got merit. And suddenly i also want to get married..hihihiihihi....
Maybe just effects that i am very lonely now. huhuhuhu....gut niteee...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Foto 2 Juni, di Ghibli Museum

Entah sudah nae berapa kilo...getting fatter and chubby? dont u think so?^_^

Eh...ada yang lewat..cakepp...mata gw kemana yee...makhluk pajangan di belakang itu TOTORO namanya.This is my class, with 2 teacher, full member minus 2 women. how beautiful i am.

Friday, June 08, 2007

This Week

Everyday not getting easier. This language is getting mujukashii..totemo mujukashi…(difficult). My friend told me that if you learn English, when you get the advanced level, she thinks it getting easier, the problem maybe just with the vocabulary. But in Japanese, the grammar become more difficult. Yeaahhh…I agree,and actually I think it`s normal, the more you learn, it become more difficult. But you know, Japanese language is a language that use heart. So many grammars maybe I think it have same meaning if it was translated in Indonesia language, but it`s different in Japanese language. To say `I want to do something` there are some steps in Japanese.Semakin tinggi, semakin menunjukkan niatan keinginan kita untuk sesuatu itu. (duh…gimana ngomongnya yaaa).Ngomongnya pake ati, jawab soalnya pake otak ma ati. Susah euy…otak lamban, hati dingin…Lack of care, love, and hug…huhuhuhuuhu…
Welll..well....well, maybe tomorrow is getting better, I have short homestay with Japanese family. See you…