
Sunday, November 09, 2008

Friendster II

I assume that all of you know, a popular social network site in Indonesia or in Malay, S'pore, Philipines. This site also drive me crazy, to explore my "kekepoan". These are what I do while log in to a site with Mr. Smile logo :
Checking the message, comment, or interesting updates from my close friend...
If I still have more time, but don't know what else should do...I starts with browsing my frend, randomly...if I see there is interesting picture
That is why until now, for me,friendster still interesting than facebook sometimes...'coz "pamor" facebook "belum merambah" kota Probolinggo...
I prefer not to access a profile that could make me my rival, annoying person with fabolous lifestyle.., a profile with full of narciss picture from phone camera from many angle....with smile..."mecucu style"..., or a profile with full of kerlap kerlip comment and background...more over a man profile with mandarin, korean pop song....eeuwww.....( I don't mean to state that my profile style is the best...).
But sometimes when I opened a profile , whether it was my fren or not...I'll found interesting "bahasa gaul anak yang baru gaul or bahasa gaul anak terlalu gaul", foto mesra bersama pasangan dengan title to tweett (so sweet maksudnya), or foto mesra yang terlalu mesra....hahahaha...sumpah bukan gw sirik...dan maafkan untuk kejujuran gw, cuma pengen share aja..
Bahasa gaul----> I suggest you to read an high school or junior high school student' profile and their testimony... maybe I am the old fashioned one that couldn't understand the meaning of the updated bahasa gaul... and isn't it hard to read a sentence with combination between "huruf besar dan huruf kecil"???
like this....
09/25/2008 6:28 am
Hahabs sAdJah dRmUw..Quh tAg mDik kMn2,qUh kN ASLi bgKuLu,kLuArgAquH Yg jAoH2 pD kMpL DsNi mUa..Jd kELrga bSr pD DSni mUa..hoho
BLjr mLz bEt.,pnEnD_Na nYanTe mULu'..Tp?IP Hrz tGgi?HaDuh bNuNd Cuy...ShRiAn niH Cm mKrin aMu dUaNk..Np ia??KnEnd aq..AmU KnEnd aq gX ia?Hduh?9hr aGy..AmU inGd gX ia??hufthaLah...LUpaKan it!!Luff u jLekz..
Also, another interesting thing that I got from this site is, sometimes the user is easily share their privacy in public site like friendster. For example like share phone number, home address, post their picture which contents their private area,etc. At first, I'm not aware of these things till I came to this country, where everybody protect their personal data strictly...moreover in the network site or internet.... (i am gonna talk about this thing next time). I couldn't make good conclusion to ending this post, in the end I still favor this site...^__\\\

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Apa yang biasa dilakukan 20 menit menjelang pergantian tanggal menuju ulang tahunmu?
Yang biasa gw lakukan adalah instropeksi dan make a wish...(ada dan tiada kue tart).
Kayak sekarang...tanpa bermaksud untuk mengingatkan pembaca untuk menyelamatiku...
Gw cuma mau menulis aja apa yang ada di pikiran gw sekarang.
Umur 25 minus satu...alias 24. Banyak hal terjadi setaon ini...masih banyak juga yang jauh dari harapan....(salah satunya ukuran d#d*....entah sampai ulang taon ke berapa juga...^^)
Gw sangat bersyukur untuk semua pengalaman, perkenalan, pembelajaran yang gw alami sampai saat ini....dan gw juga masih kudu banyak belajar...banyak buanget...