
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Don`t go to Japan if you want to suicide.

Favourite train (line) to suicide

At first I don`t know there are rule or law like this in Japan.

If someone suicide in Japan, especially jump to the railway, it will cause the train have delay, and the company (JR) got loss. So the family has to pay for those incident as responsbility to the JR company, about$1.5million ( I read it somewhere....) I don't know exactly. But if his or her family can't afford to pay those debt, it will be continued for the next generation.

Next, if someone suicide by jump to the sea, the family also have to pay, because the police need the helicopter, diver, to find the body.

My teacher told us the average amount of people going to suicide are 90 person per DAY. But not all of them succeed...maybe 5 or 6 person only succeed. hmmm...kowaiiii.....

The most favourite line for suicide are CHUO line, it was rapid train. I don't know the reason. Someone told me that train always turn the mellow song (for the passenger)....hmmm complete...
So, don't come to Japan if you want to suicide!!!


Just try to listen the music on my blog right now(October, 24 2007). (maybe next month i will change!!!).
Maybe this is 13 years ago in Indonesia, simple song, oldies, but mmm...sweet...hahaha...
Someday, wish someone will sing this song for me! (ada gituuuu?????)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Ichiban ikitai tokoro

At this time I really2 want to go to this place....
It called NEW YORK!!!

Just wondering, wheter in my life, will I got those chance? (Also wish, from all of those high building, I can have chance, stay at one of that place)

I don't know since when, but at this time, really2 want to go to this City

From Manhattan area, Central Park, Empire State Building, Broadway....

Also dream met them someday, or have chance like them to stay in NEW YORK.... Eventhough there are many people didn't like NY, I don't care, it's just my dream. Huhuhu....itsu kanaaaa...ikitaiiiiii yoo!!!


Nihongo Gakkou no gakusei no nikki

Here I am
In the corner of the coffee shop
In the middle of stranger
Thinking and wondering about my life
While trying hard to remember all the vocabulary
Its just simple weekend
Without knowing where to go
At last seems like Carrie Bradshaw

Here I am
In my small and untidy room
Doing my grammar homework
While open my precious electronic dictionary
Its just another simple weekend
But not as simple as my thought and my fears

Its already 2:30 am
Still in front of my laptop
Writing and sharing my words
Without meaning
Just for relaxing

Sometimes I got wonder
Not sometimes, but almost all these times
About much, so I can’t remember at all
So stuck at this time
So bitter like the chocolate I am eating right now

At last,
Keep moving and struggling I am
not lonely anymore
Because I have YOU!!!

(*Good nite!!!*)

Monday, October 08, 2007

While everybody was sleeping, I was..

15 minutes ago, at 2.00 am....................

I just cut my hair, the front one (apa sih bhs inggrisnya poni???) by myself

No plan at all, just strange?

Friday, October 05, 2007

Getsuyoubi kara kinyoubi made

Minggu yang melelahkan.


Ujian masuk di Universitas K, salah satu universitas paling bagus di Jepang. Miracle jawabannya kalo gw bisa masuk universitas ini. Tapi pas itu gw ternyata lolos seleksi dokumen, dan kemaren gw ikut ujiannya. Gw berharap dulu di universitas hopengnya prof winardi atau ponakan bu Tien, sehingga gw mengerti micro economics, bagaimana membaca kurva. Gw berharap bahasa Jepang gw lebih jago dan mengerti lebih banyak kanji, gw berharap gw tau kalo hirarki kebutuhan Maslow ditulis dalam kanji jadinya seperti itu.... gw berharap.....dan pada akhirnya gw berharap gw tidak membuang uang sia2 untuk biaya ujian itu (lebih mahal drpd 1 semester gw di Unpar). Selalu menyesal datang belakangan, karena gw tau, itu soal benernya ngga susah banget. The basic one....Tapi bagi gw, ujian ini jadi kayak pengalaman buat gw.
(lucu ya, yang ikut ujian akun, dibagiin kalkulator, tapi ntar dikumpulin lagi)


Pergi ke Univ itu, liat hasil, kalo lulus, gw langsung wawancara. Jeda waktu pengumuman dipasang dan wawancara dimulai cuma 30 menit. Gw ga lulus. Ga ada nama gw, dari awal gw udah tau, tapi tetep ada bagian dari gw yang bilang bahwa kesempatan gw keterima ada.

Ya sudah, siapa yang mau menerima murid yang pas ujian commercenya sempet ketidur 5 menit?????

Dalam perjalanan pulang, gw iseng masuk ke warung soba yang pasang pengumuman part time, eh...ditolak bow...karena baru dateng ke Jepang katanya. Damn, kenapa gw cari penyakit, mencari sebuah penolakan lagi????????

Malamnya chat sama temen gw, dia berusaha menghibur gw, eh...becanda-becanda, tiba2 dia tersinggung ama gurauan gw, yuuuk mari....great Tuesday.


Dinasehatin panjang lebar sama sensei.....bukan atas kegagalan ujian gw....tapi ttg apa yang kudu gw lakukan....


Keadaan tidak membaik, tidur cuma dikit, siangnya ke perpustakaan nasional sama sensei dan anak kelas, yang gw pikirin pas itu, gw pengen duiiittt, cepet dapat kerja part time, tapi masalah universitas belum beres. Gw pengen duit buat hoby lama gw, Make up and skin care, mata gw uda kayak panda aja.....

Eh...pas malem....little thing happened, little but enough to brighten my day. Thanks for you...(a smile for brighten my day).


Hari ini....uda weekend lagi. Udah nemu universitas lain yang ujiannya belum lewat. Yokatta.

.........tomorrow???Semoga lebih baik...semoga gw bisa manfaatin dengan masih bodooooh banget, gw merasa bodooohh....sayangnya gw sering banget tidak manfaatin waktu buat belajar dengan baekk....bener kata temen gw, dia bilang semakin belajar, gw semakin merasa bodoh. Itu anak pinter yang ngemeng gitu, huhuuhuhu...lumayan dalemmm....

Benernya gw pengen banget cerita lebih banyak, tapi ini lagi capek banget. Kayaknya postingan ini bahasanya kacau deh....hahahaha....

Miss you guys, miss youuuuuu....................