
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Ichiban ikitai tokoro

At this time I really2 want to go to this place....
It called NEW YORK!!!

Just wondering, wheter in my life, will I got those chance? (Also wish, from all of those high building, I can have chance, stay at one of that place)

I don't know since when, but at this time, really2 want to go to this City

From Manhattan area, Central Park, Empire State Building, Broadway....

Also dream met them someday, or have chance like them to stay in NEW YORK.... Eventhough there are many people didn't like NY, I don't care, it's just my dream. Huhuhu....itsu kanaaaa...ikitaiiiiii yoo!!!



wiemz said...

sayang.. kalo kamu jadi carrie bradshaw aku jadi mr big nya yah... :-) aku juga ingin ke NY hahahahaha

+> v i εїз said...

Cari org nama'e HIRO NAKAMURA jen,.. de'e tinggal d Tokyo koq. HAHAHHAH.. nti minta de'e teleport u ke Jap.
kaya gini nih :

Anonymous said...

jenny kok lay out nya mbagus...ajarin dong