So, today I decided to change my blog's layout.
Started with searching free blog templates, and it took about 45 minutes for me to decided what kind of theme I will apply to my blog. Then, it took about almost 4 hours (?!?!) to edit the HTML, for editing the color, font size, background....(and almost gave up in the midlle...sigh!! You might say: "what?!? 4hours just like thisss???")
And voilaaa....this is the result. Not the perfect one, but I learned little 'bout basic HTML, and found activities during this dull day.
But the more important thing is to keep updated this blog, not only change the background huh!?!?!
I'll promise to writing more this year, and I'll try to prove it...
Nice theme! ^o^
Ajarin dong Jen..gimana caranya? Aku dah coba kok gak mau ganti ya theme-nya.. Huhuhuhu..
theme ini tadinya mo gw pake jg... malah uda gw save di kompie gw sbg back-up klo gw bosen ma theme gw yg sekarang... hahaha :D
nice theme though :)
eh jen, ini warna fontnya lu edit lagi ato ikut formula aslinya? theme yg gw ga bisa diubah warna fontnya :(
Heidy: minta ajar ma utak atik sendiri di, dijelasin susah, soalnya nyoba2 gitu..
Sisca: Oh ya? hehehe..fontnya yang gw ubah cuma yang side bar sis. gw ubah warna aja. Jenis font malah susah.
Kemudian untuk postingan dan judul, gw uda cari-cari tapi ga bisa diubah kayaknya (baik warna maupun jenis font). jadi yang warna kuning2 itu gw yang rubah warna...
Jen: Oh baiklah... iya nih... Waktu gw ganti theme yg skrg jg lama banget utak-atiknya... Hampir seharian msh jg ga bisa ngubah warna fontnya... judul blog gw ga kebaca jadinya gara2 ketutupan ma gambar themenya... hahaha...
Heidi: iya di... tar weekend ini aja kita kursus kilat ya... hahaha :D
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