About 2 weeks ago, my friend asked me to join a special event in Tokyo, as a model to wear Bali traditional costume. It is a 30 minutes press conference to promote an event in Bali on May 23th. Then, today I found my picture in internet ^__^

also check this
Yesterday, before the press conference, we had make up session, no..no…it was a hair styling session…atau penyiksaan session...for the hair accessories, there are so many flower and leaves…(and I thought never saw a Balinese used that kind of leaf for hair accessories before… sumpah kemaren seharian sakit kepala )But, since the producer of this event (the man in the middle) was a clothes designer (and now turns to a director, producer, etc), no wonder if I never saw it before.
And also, I met a famous Japanese actress (the woman in the middle)…who came as a guest star yesterday. This event is held to celebrate the 50 years anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relationships between Japan and Indonesia.
I also met another model, who also Indonesian students like me…and one of them ex femina magazine model…(gimana ga minder…hahaha)(jalannya yang anggun dong mba…kata si tukang make upnya…^__^)
Anyway,it’s a good way to relax my mind from school and job hunting activity(0 ^_’)
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