Okay, it's been about 3 months since my last post bout my pregnancy journal, and honestly I'm not type of woman who like to makes daily record (I was, but not now...depend on my mood).
Actually I forgot about what happened on July-August period...especially related with prego thingy...
But, I'll try to write the things that still stay in my memory
July (22-25 weeks)
- Since my hospital does not have 3D or 4D ultrasound facilities, I went to another clinic that provide 3D/4D ultrasound. In my 21st week, we went to that clinic, to met our baby, and wished could see his face.
But, my baby was not photogenic, or shy...he hide his face, turn his face to my back. Hmphh....(I wish I could ask back my JPY5000...*cried)
The doctor was surprised with our baby's size, it was too big for 21st week. (his size about 25 weeks)
- I had new hobby, baking and cooking. I made cakes, bread, etc. As the result, I gain too much weight =(
- Insomnia weeks has been started, I got what they called "heartburn" or Acid reflux. So, everytime I try to lying down, you felt like you want to throw up all your food...(> <)
- Fatigue. I felt my legs were getting weaker
- Not comfortable with my current bra, bought some new bra's ^^
- Swollen Feet
- Started Maternity Swimming class every Saturday
This is the best shot during 3D/4D ultrasound session |
August (26-30 weeks)
- Last month in my office. Peak of summer in Japan, very very humid and hot....especially for prego
- Had super duper terrible backache...
- Cut my hair
- Me and my hubby had same schedule for our summer holiday for 1 week. We arranged short trip to lake near Mt. Fuji. On the first day, we went to the biggest Factory Outlet in Kanto area. Windows shopping is not for me...I could not do it, though I was still on second trimester. We only bought baby clothes...^^
For the second day we went to Yamanaka lake, and Sun flower field. It was very refreshing trip for both of us. Very thankful to my lovely hubby for arranged this trip for us...
- On 17th August (27week) , went to hospital for routine check up, but this time with the midwife. She did not do the ultrasound, only measured my belly, checked baby's heart beat. She warned about my weight gain!!! Starting control my sugar consumption, no more snacks... at this time I gained 12,5 kg (--;)
I only allowed to gain maximum 500 gram every weeks, which in reality is very difficult huh...
- Baby moves a lot, sometimes I could felt his body part, which stuck up on my upper belly (I bet it was his leg?)
- Had some stomach cramp during my 28 weeks, easily got tired...
My best shot during short trip on Summer Holiday (27 week) |
September (31-34 weeks)
- Officially a housewife now. So happy, that I don't have to commute every rush hour, but so sad, because no income anymore (> <).
-Officially entered last trimester of my pregnancy. So far, this is the hardest one (harder than the first one).
-Everyday I found new symptom, I found new things to complain, I found new thing to worry. My mood like roller coaster, I cried, I angry, I got bad mood...etc...
- Got baby things, maternity things from my sister (so I don't need to buy new one)
- Bought new sofa, rack, rearranged our living room
- Went to routine check up, baby weight 1772 gr on 30 weeks (big for its average, which only about 1500 gr, doctor smiled and said that my placenta was very big. It should be a good thing though).
Succeed controlled my weight gain from the last visit with the midwife. There is nothing to do to control the baby weight, no need to diet, just control sugar or salt intake.
Oh, officially it is a boy. Before, doctor never said 100% is a boy, but this time she found the baby gender very clearly. ^^
- Had another blood test.
- Can not walk too far, take a rest every time saw a bench or chair.
- Bought another baby clothes.
- My hubby always check my activity during the day, and will warning me if I just stayed at home...He urge me to had activity outside, so I could prevent boredom, and obesity.
- On mid of Sept, went to another routine check up (32 week), met the midwife not doctor. Blood test result was okay, only I had some anemia. So she prescribed Iron supplement for me. I talked a lot with her, that my baby is very moody. He only moves when he want to moves... I turn on the light on my tummy to see his reaction. Based on the sources that I read on internet, baby will respond to light. But not with my baby...
She said, is okay, as long my baby is moving around, maybe he just moody... (like his mother???!?!)
- Bought baby things with hubby
- Started wash baby clothes, towel, diaper, etc...(but still have many to wash)
-Backache was getting worse...lying down made it worse.
- I had what it called Restless Leg Syndrome at night...Insomnia has started...
- Had joint paint in my fingers, especially in the morning and during the night. Also little numb on my feet palm.
- Urge my husband to massage me before to sleep ...back pain is my nightmare..
- Getting waddle...I walk like a duck
- Baby kicks a lot...and sometimes very hurt. He got hiccups about one or two times a day, so funny...^^
- I had pain on my belly skin...but not stomach cramp...only on skin...I bet because my belly is getting bigger. Nothing to do, just put a lot of baby oil and body butter on my belly....
- By the end of the month (33 week) I gained around 13-14 kg.
New Sofa, and baby clothes laundry... |
Me, 33 week |
To be continued (^^)
(Lately I never use my brain maximally, so please forgive my bad grammar)