
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Illumination 2008

Beda negara, beda pula cara merayakan natal dan tahun baru...Di Jepang, negara yang "tidak bergama", salah satu image natal adalah romantis.....untuk itulah natal dan tahun baru di Jepang, dihiasi dengan illumination di mana2...Malam hari menjadi terang, romantis, dan bener-bener bisa melupakan dinginnya malam…(halah!!!) Suatu hal yang dinanti-nantikan orang, terutama anak muda seperti gw, karena illumination di sini (Tokyo maksudnya, bukan Tsukuba) keren abis….

Kayak di Odaiba, Odaiba itu nama daerah (distrik) di Tokyo, yang merupakan tempat favorit gw dari awal....karena di sini kayak bener2 modern, tapi juga ada lautnya....dan kalau malam hari lampu2nya bagus bangeeetttt....mana ada patung liberty (konon, patung liberty ini merupakan patung liberty ke 2 setelah di Peancis, dan lebih dulu dibangun sebelum patung liberty di New York tempat tinggal masa depan gw...halah)

Rainbow Bridge dan patung Liberty...tempat favorit ^^

Venus Fort mall di Odaiba, mall dengan langit buatan
Tangga menuju Stasiun televisi Fuji Terebi
Stasiun TV Fuji Terebi dengan maskot anjing birunya
Kemudian ngga hanya di Odaiba, tapi juga di tempat lainnya di Tokyo, berlomba-lomba memasang illumination...kayak di Tokyo Dome....
Tokyo dome, gw sendiri belum pernah pergi, tapi biasanya buat tempat pertandingan baseball...

Dan masih banyak yang laennya....
Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Life is mystery, cannot predict what will happen in the next 5 minutes, 20 minutes, or next year. Life is like weather, there will be a bright sunny day captured in your smile, cloudy day picture in your face, cold and windy day in our mood. Life also like graphic in “stock exchange”….up and down…up and down….
After all, whatever it is life must goes on

And now, talking about my life, my daily life…
Maybe it is in down term, between cloudy and sometimes sunny day. Actually, I feel sick to write this kind of depression again and again in this blog. But, I want to write what I feel right now. You know that how great the power of “stress”, “self confidence” and other psychological problems affected my attitude, face, and the rest part of me. You will never get satisfied with the result of your make up, dress style even you’ve worked hard on it. There just an ugly face, old and odd lady in the mirror. There always be a complained, dry skin, black eyes, bad hair…etc. also, hard to concentrate, always make silly mistakes, and another stupid things. ( iya sih…dari dulu suasananya gimanapun tetep aja sering melakukan hal bodoh…hehehe).

But, I know that this is just a process, and I am sure there will be another sunny days, months, and years for me, you and us!!! So gambareeeee!!!!!!!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Information Society

Today, the word of “information” might have different meaning compare with decades ago. Information is no longer about a message from the sender to the receiver or a tool for answer our curiosity anymore, but has connection with other aspects in human life.
One of those aspects is culture. The definition of culture here is including personality, behavior of human life. For example in our daily life there has been a great increase of information and technology, which bring impact in people’s mind, personality. Here, I am trying to give an example by condition in Japan. In Japan, we could see that people get engaged in their mobile phone or another electronic gadget. Like in train, some are listening to their i-pod or music player, some are playing with their mobile phone, or sending message. When I saw this phenomenon, it seems people have their own world even though at the same time they were in the same place. Today, although information is getting easier to be accessed and technology growth is very helpful to human life, but people are getting more individualist. The value of communication and culture has changed. If we saw children sitting together, playing Nintendo DS, only a little interaction happened around them. What will happen in the future if they are getting used only with individual activity?

Technology, internet, information era, and the others, are bring many advantages to human life, including economic sector. The number of variety of occupation has increased than before. But, it also brings many dilemmas to the social factors. Daniel Bell said that we life in white collar society, instead of physical strength, companies need intellectuality, a person with knowledge, a person who mastered technology. Even though the number of job’s variety is increasing, but the number of people who can’t get advantage from these things is many. According to Manuel Castells, even in city of information, there are information rich and information poor. High class and middle class could access information easily, have a spectacular lifestyles, proud to be global society. On the other hand the low class or who live in poverty environment, their information activity, limited to the television news or newspaper, or their experience as immigrant. Because of their condition and environment, it is hard to stop this circle of poverty or exit from. Then as mentioned above, that the demand of intellectual worker is increasing, how about these people which according to Castells is underclass? Could they enjoy the advantage of information era maximally? Or they just became victim of this information era? This condition happened not only in developed country, but also in developing country. In developing country we face problem like digital divide, which many people can’t access information by internet or another digital tools, because factors like poverty, location, or age. Information era has brought many advantages in human life. People live in an era where we are get forced to compete to keep survive. This is the technology era, where knowledge is important tool, which makes people keep learning new things every time. But it also gives negative impacts in certain factors such as in social life. The structure of society has changed, people are getting individualist, interaction and communication has changed in new way like digital message, blog, sms, etc. The gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider.
Adapted from my final report for class of Comparative Study.